23 February 2025-Singapore

Singapore Take Home Pay and CPF Calculator

The pay calculator is a simple online application to compute CPF contributions and other relevant government contributions for an employee in Singapore.

Employee Name
Work Pass
Date of Birth (eg. 1 Jan 2009)
Date of getting PR (eg. 1 Jan 2009)
Salary Month
Charity Contribution

Basic Wage
Additional Wage
The computed CPF components include: Employer and Employee CPF contributions, Charity (CDAC, ECF, MBMF, SINDA) contributions and Skills Development Levy (SDL).
The salary is computed for employee with 5 days working week (Monday to Friday). This is not an issue in general, except when computing CPF contribution for an employee who have just converted to a Singapore PR.
CPF contribution computation for additional wage does not take into account of additional wage in the previous months.
The computed SDL is for a single employee. The cents should be ignored when the total SDL contribution for the company is computed.